Leeds and Dortmund Celebrate 50 Years of Successful Twinning

Bild: Geoff Tranter Leeds and Dortmund Celebrate 50 Years of Successful Twinning After the first celebrations in Leeds back in October 2019, the Golden Jubilee has now also been celebrated in Dortmund – three years later due to the pandemic. The Dortmund Lord Mayor Thomas Westphal welcomed a civic delegation led by the Lord Mayor… Leeds and Dortmund Celebrate 50 Years of Successful Twinning weiterlesen

The Irish Border Issue – What’s the Problem?

The Talk on „The Irish Border Issue – What’s the Problem“, which took place on 16th February 2022, was co-organized by the Dortmund Anglo-German Society and the Dortmund Office of the Europe Direct project. Around sixty people attended the evening, and the audience included both people from Dortmund and North-Rhine Westphalia (mainly members of the… The Irish Border Issue – What’s the Problem? weiterlesen